About Me

Tualatin, Oregon, United States

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Spangle, WA

Hello everyone!

Thank you for your patience in waiting a couple of days for a detailed update from us. We have definitely been keeping busy!

On Sunday, our team tackled the streets of the small town of Cusick. Devin wanted the team to really make a visual impact on the community as well as let them know that we cared about them. There was literally YEARS of dirt and weeds that needed to be cleaned out of the gutters and sidewalks. All of the students worked hard with a positive attitude. By the end of the day on Monday, we had cleaned ALL of the streets in Cusick.

There were many Cusick residents who asked us, "Why are you here?" Through their curiosity, we were able to share why we were serving--a few of us even had the chance to share the Gospel with some people. A particularly encouraging story involves a couple of teenagers who were playing basketball near where we were working. After playing a game with them, one of them said, "I still don't understand why you're here. Why would you come all the way from Portland to clean up our trash?" Jerrad responded with "It's easy for us to come and clean up the trash because Jesus came down and cleaned up our trash first." A couple of the students on on the team ended up inviting the teenagers to camp.

On Monday, after we were done cleaning the sidewalks and gutters, we had the chance to go door-to-door and ask if the residents wanted any small work projects done. There were many great stories that could be posted here--hopefully I can get some of the students to write about some of their experiences and post it here tomorrow. During one of the work projects, there was a man who got teary-eyed and was very grateful for the students' help. We could definitely tell that the community noticed our presence in their town. We pray that they will continue to notice God's presence there as well, especially as Devin works through planting a church. We can be praying that the seeds we're planting in the community will continue to grow.

At night, our team has been meeting together to process the day and talk about what we read in James during our devotions in the morning. It has been great hearing the students share what they are learning. Krista made a wonderful analogy/observation when her group was helping clean out a man's yard. There was a statue in his yard that had been overgrown and neglected, and her team was able to clear it out so it was visible again. The man teared up and said, "It's been a long time since I've seen that." Krista later told our group that, based on what the man had shared with them, it was like his own life had been overgrown and covered and needed to be revived. Many of the students have shared very encouraging stories of bringing a little bit of light into people's lives throughout these last couple of days.

This morning, we traveled from Cusick to Spangle, WA--about a two hour drive. We are working with Pastor Dave and his wife, Rose on a variety of projects they have set up for us. Today, a group of us striped a house of paint and pressure-washed it so we can paint it tomorrow. The other groups cleaned an elderly lady's house, weeded another lady's yard, and prepared for a small Vacation Bible School that will happen tomorrow afternoon. The guys will be staying at the church and the girls will be staying at the Pastor's house.

Besides a few mosquito bites--I promise we are using bug spray!--and sore muscles, everyone is healthy and having a great time! Again, we really appreciate knowing that we have prayer support back home. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers!

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